Follow Who? Social Weekend Hop 142
Happy Friday my friends!
Here is another great quote that I just had to share with you:
“Success is no Accident.
It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice
and most of all, love of what you are doing.”
- Pele
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6124
Back 2 School 2015
While we have been un-officaliy doing homeschool work, our oldest child (Kira) is a December baby making this her "first year of school" where she would be attending Kindergarden.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 4988
aLLreLi 2-in-1 Stylus / Styli Pen #allrelistylus #Review and #Giveaway
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6969
Blueberry, Celery-cilantro Cocktail
Sometimes we forget the different uses that we can give to some of our everyday veggies such as Celery. We like to make fun beverages that include fruits and veggies that we may have sitting around in our fridge. This is how today’s featured recipe came to be. Since then we have also done this with lemon flavored water for the kids and they enjoy drinking it by our side as we drink our grownup version.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6251
Hello Cutie Mud Mask #Review + #Giveaway
The opportunity presented itself for me to review the Hello Mud Mask and while my first thought was I really don’t have time I clearly needed some me time, and the fact that I was impressed with the ingredients on it’s description I just had to agree on it. Not to mention it would give me the opportunity not only to try this product and tell you all about it but to offer you the opportunity to win one via a Rafflecopter Giveaway (See below for details).
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 8392
Oreo Flan #recipe
One of our favorite desserts is Flan de Queso and we enjoy every much doing it at home and enjoying it with our family and friends. A few days ago we were at my brothers house and for desert we came up with an Oreo Flan, everyone loved it. The girls could not have enough of it and even came home asking if we can make another one.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 15637
Pulled Pork Pita - #recipe
We don’t use that much our slow cooker, I have always been somewhat skeptical of leaving something on in our house as we head out the door. And yet the few times that we end up using it I just think they are great. In what a dilemma I find myself, right.
I admit that slow cookers and busy hectic families can have a very good relationship to say the least. Since we prefer to eat at home instead of eating out, we tend to take advantage of the slow-cooker does days when we know we will be spending most of our day out, but still have time to come home for a homemade dinner. This is exactly the case and recipe that we are sharing with you today.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 9677
Follow Who? Social Weekend Hop 141
Happy Friday!
A week has gone by... What have you been able to accomplish?
It's good to challenge ourselves and set weekly goals. Always be realistic, don't expect to get ready for a marathon in a week.
Our Weekly Quote:
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. ”
- Og Mandino
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5443
Healthy Ice-cream (1 ingredient or more)
Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits in the world, while there are many types of bananas the most common/known is the elongated curved yellow medium size fruit, it is botanically considered a berry, yet rarely referred to as a berry and one would not think of this fruit when talking about berries.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6128
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