Considering that we have been "home-schooling" her for some time now, we had her evaluated by a certified Teacher and we were recommended to start her on a 1st year curriculum. The teacher said that she would probably get board in a Kindergarden Curriculum and we would probably be holding her back. We had many doubts and were very unsure as to what to do.

My husband and I discussed the subject a number of times and after many long conversation even including Kira in some, we were ready to move on. Kira was eager to officially start homeschool, we agreed that we would start in August with the Kindergarden material and work through it at Kira’s speed and see how it goes, if all goes as anticipated we would still be doing 1st grade this year, but only ones we are sure that she is academically and social-emocional ready for it. Our main goal is to teach her and encourage her to continue learning, never to push her or make her skip or miss things.
I should have known better than to tell our daughter that we would start in August and not tell her a specific day. During the month of July a number of times she would ask me what day was it and I would answer, not knowing that she was actually patiently waiting. Oh yes, August 1st came along and she asked, I answered and she starts jumping of excitement “we start homeschool today” she said. Long story short I could not convince her otherwise and the most incredible thing is that it was a Saturday.
It’s now been a little over a month and I have to say things are looking good, both Kira and Kaylee have been participating in our homeschool sessions/projects/activities and they both like it so much that sometimes they ask for a second period of homeshool time in the afternoon. Learning through play and having fun with our Girls has become our daily life and we LOVE it.

Kaylee is loving Home-School!
Making learning fun and entertaining for our little ones is the best gift that we can give them, while it may seem unconventional we incorporate aspects of our every-day life into the education of our girls, teaching them along the way one thing or another.
Have FUN and and remember “Every activity, is a learning opportunity"