Now that Summer is around the corner, we have to think of ways to keep hydrated.
This beverage is a great refreshment for little ones and adults as well. And if you like a kick in your drink just convert this great beverage into an awesome cocktail I tell you what we do.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 7537
At one point or another we all crave some dessert, and many times we eat it and then feel guilty about doing so, or maybe our little ones are asking for some dessert and we don't want to fill them up with so many sugars.
This is one simple "Sweet Ice-cream like" dessert that we can serve with pleasure.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 7186
A couple of days ago a very special person asked me if I could post my recipe for Homemade Cappuccino, and ofcourse I could not say no. I Love you!!!
Yes it's very simple just to turn on your Cappuccino maker, but for does of us that don't have one, we can still enjoy and entertain with some great homemade Cappuccino.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6622
I love this shake and yet is very difficult to find this fruit here in the USA.
Sapote is a very sweet fruit, brown, kind of hard looking on the outside and red in the inside. It's very well known in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba. Also called Mamey or Mamey-Sapote.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 7250
Do you eat pineapple?
What do you do with the skin of the pineapple?
Do you just toss it in the trash can, disregard it or what do you do?
Well there are a few thing you can do with it, today we are going to tell you how to make this great and refreshing beverage, one that the entire family can enjoy.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 9404
Improvising a snack for a guest can be frustrating or it can be as simple as you would like it to be. Some friends came over and I had nothing to serve (to the non creative eye). This is what we did: we had some fresh fruits, and what a great an healthy serving could fruits be.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6447
This is a very requested drink in the Dominican Republic and a favorite among visitors and residents alike. Morir Soñando, the literal translation would be "to die dreaming" and it it could not have a better name, as it is really indulging.
This is like a drink created for royalty, it's simple yet delicious, the trick is in the process, to keep the milk from curdling.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 8910
As we are on the road, with no kitchen at our disposal, we have to come up with some source of healthy snacks or like in this case beverages that can be done on the go. This is simple and easy, yet very yummy and a great source of fiber, plus Kira enjoys it very much.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6995
I think we all have heard of Piña Colada and most-likelly even had one or a few in your life. But would you like to try our twist to this well known drink, Mango gives this beverage another meaning and taste. One that at least all in my family love.
We love to be creative, take your favorite drink, snak or food and come up with a new version, we do this all the time. And remember to have fun. Hope you like this recipe.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6282
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