We live in a world where we tend to forget to be thankful for the simple things, we have gotten use to so many things that we just take them for granted.
Many of us have been blessed to be born into a family that provided most things for us, not to say that we have been spoiled, but we have had many things including but certainly not limited to food, clothing and shoes.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5793
We sometimes forget the impact we can have on other peoples day. And this is why today I am thankful for smiles and greetings, specially does that we get or give to a total stranger.
How many times this moth have you smiled or said Good Morning to someone you don’t really know. And then again how often do you even say good morning to the members of your family.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6615
We may be so use to our Cellphones - Smartphones that we don’t even think twice about how in yesteryear's this was not an option. It would be my wild guess that 9 out of 10 people have a cellphone and probably the majority of these are smart phones and oh what would we do without our smartphones.
Some would go as far to say that they would go crazy, I have seen people turn around and go back home because they forgot their smartphones. All this being said while I try and hope never to live out of my smartphone I do have to be thankful for them.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5422
While we all can find a million things to be thankful, it’s not every day that we sit to think about each and everything that makes our life better.
One of my personal challenges is to every week write or say out loud something that I am thankful for. From the very simple things that make my every day living easier to the things that we have to work very hard to manage.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5009
How often do you give thanks, how often do you stop to recognize does around you for what they are or have done for you?, How often do you just look and are grateful for all the wonderful things that surround you.
There is always something we are thankful for!!
By doing this post we like to express things that we are grateful for and also hope to inspire others to be thankful even for does little things that sometimes we dont think about.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5023
There is always something we are thankful for, most of the time we do not express it out loud, so this is a great way to do so and share with other what we are thankful for.
By doing this post we also hope to inspire others to be thankful even for does little things that sometimes we dont think about and / or take for granted.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5132
There's always something that we should be thankful for, and yet not many of us express it out loud. This is why I like thankful Thursday. It's a place were I can share with all of you one of them million things I am thankful for. While I'm not sure if my friend Heather over at The Homesteading Hippy will be posting, I know for sure she is a very thankful person and is a big part of this Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for "The Gift of Swimming" program, not sure if similar programs are offer throughout the United States, but here in Florida we are lucky to have this program in place.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5563
Back in November after a long conversation with my Friend Heather form The Homesteading Hippy we decided to start a Thankful Thursday, because there is always something we are thankful for, most of the time we do not express it out loud and this is a great way to do so.
I’m sure you know by now that we are hosting a #DisneySide @Home Celebration, and let me tell you that it’s been nothing but Disney around this house
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5159
Here we are another week, and while going out late we are happy to say thank you. It's now Thankful Thursday time, on a weekly bases my friend Heather form The Homesteading Hippy and I come together to spread thankfulness, saying thank you is wonderful, hope you eventually join us.
Today we are Thankful for our ability, ability to what? ability to learn, to learn what? Many things but in particular one thing.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5058
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