The reality is that we do so much with them, and while in some things I may argue that they make us lassy I do have to say that they also make our lives easier to take or to move along.
This Thankful Thursday I am expressing my thankfulness for all Smartphones, also for the people that spend so much time developing and designing all these different types of smartphones.
Thank your, as I don't know what would we all do, if we had to go back to no phones at all. I'm sure we would survive, but at what cost.
There is always something to be thankful for, join us by sharing a thankful post. I would love to stop by and read what are you thankful for.
Help us spred the word about being thankful, by tweeting about this event. There is always something we should be thankful for.
- Be Thankful for something.
- Write a post of what you are thankful for or share in our comment section.
- Visit a few other thankful blogs.
- Grab our Thankful Thursday button and place it somewhere in you site or thankful post. It would be greatly appreciated.
- Please do not link to your main site, but directly to your Thankful Thursday Post.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5390