Some would go out to say I have tons of friends and talk to them all the time, not to mention most likely the talk time is “Chat time” and not real person to person talk, but what’s happening to our social and emotional human values?
The other day out for a walk we encountered many people that we don’t know and both our 4 year old and myself were saying hi or good morning, and there was this older lady who could have been my grandmother, that after greeting us and complementing Kira, said “How I miss the old days, when I would go to the park and all the kid would come near me to hear stories and play, kids just want does electrons now days, they don't even like to say hi anymore” then she told Kira “Thank you for giving me today a beautiful smile, you just made my day sweetie” I told Kira to give her a hug and we continued our walk. But I can't seem to get her words our of my head, even today after a few days it hurts me what our world is becoming...
Take a moment today or tomorrow, maybe try to make it a habit and say hi to a stranger or to the lady that cleans your office building, or your child’s school, it does not take much, just a simple honest smile could brighten someone's day.
Smile and you can make a difference!!
This is why today I am so thankful for smiles here and there.
The other day out for a walk we encountered many people that we don’t know and both our 4 year old and myself were saying hi or good morning, and there was this older lady who could have been my grandmother, that after greeting us and complementing Kira, said “How I miss the old days, when I would go to the park and all the kid would come near me to hear stories and play, kids just want does electrons now days, they don't even like to say hi anymore” then she told Kira “Thank you for giving me today a beautiful smile, you just made my day sweetie” I told Kira to give her a hug and we continued our walk. But I can't seem to get her words our of my head, even today after a few days it hurts me what our world is becoming...
Take a moment today or tomorrow, maybe try to make it a habit and say hi to a stranger or to the lady that cleans your office building, or your child’s school, it does not take much, just a simple honest smile could brighten someone's day.
Smile and you can make a difference!!
This is why today I am so thankful for smiles here and there.
Join the Thankful Thursday!
Tell us what are you thankful today for.
Help us spred the word about being thankful, tweet about this event and let's all be thankful, it is a great thing to do..
Simple Rules
- Be Thankful for something.
- Write a post of what you are thankful for or share in our comment section.
- Visit a few other thankful blogs.
- Grab our Thankful Thursday button and place it somewhere in you site or thankful post. It would be greatly appreciated.
- Please do not link to your main site, but directly to your Thankful Thursday Post.
Thank you for stopping by.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6583