I am thankful for the ability to learn to let go
(even if it is just a bit).
As much as I love a clean and organize house, and you can’t imagine how much it irritates my existence to see things out of place. Today I have to admit that I’m thankful for to be learning that sometimes it’s ok to leave things as they are for a while.
Ok, I’m not willing to let things be for to long, but for the right reasons things can wait a bit. Our say has always been "Family First", as the girls get older they are asking for more attention, things to do, places to go, etc… I could not put it off, the Girls come first, so what have I done?
I have, or I should say, I am learning how to let things be, and not let them get to me so badly. Is this a good thing? Not sure, but what I am sure is that I love our girls and every moment that we spend together means the world to me, every thing else can wait.
Family ALWAYS comes FIRST!!
What are you thankful for today?
(even if it is just a bit).
As much as I love a clean and organize house, and you can’t imagine how much it irritates my existence to see things out of place. Today I have to admit that I’m thankful for to be learning that sometimes it’s ok to leave things as they are for a while.
Ok, I’m not willing to let things be for to long, but for the right reasons things can wait a bit. Our say has always been "Family First", as the girls get older they are asking for more attention, things to do, places to go, etc… I could not put it off, the Girls come first, so what have I done?
I have, or I should say, I am learning how to let things be, and not let them get to me so badly. Is this a good thing? Not sure, but what I am sure is that I love our girls and every moment that we spend together means the world to me, every thing else can wait.
Family ALWAYS comes FIRST!!
What are you thankful for today?
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- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 4993