Both our girls are big helpers, and while they see us helping others and giving out presents, they are good and kind and don't asked for anything.
Needless to say that while we keep ourselves busy, and may even end up doing more than we even planned, our girls are and will always be number one on our list.

Kira's gifts for all of us.
Proud Mommy moment:
Before I tell you all about our big day, I have to share this proud mommy moment with you: Kira our 5 year old, made Cards for her Sister, her Dad and for me all by herself and even wrapped each of them with gift-wrap paper and asked me if she could put them with the rest of the presents, to be opened with the rest.

Now this was Christmas 2014 for us:
It was the night before Christmas
Kira and Kaylee were sleeping, but not mommy and daddy.
And while presents were wrapped and ready
we had a few more, just not for the caddy.
So we wrapped more gifts and hid them through the house,
in the hope that our girls, would search and find more that a blouse.
There was plenty for both, and much fun planned ahead
now we just had to wait, for them to get up from their bed

It was early Christmas day when our oldest woke up,
and while she saw many presents, not one did she touch
she waited patiently for Mommy, Daddy and little Sister.
then had a nice breakfast and even thank me so much
Now that was enough, they had to ask about the presents
and the fun game we told them we had planned.
We sat in the living room and told them about the scavenger hunt
they were very excited and could not wait to start.
and while she saw many presents, not one did she touch
she waited patiently for Mommy, Daddy and little Sister.
then had a nice breakfast and even thank me so much
Now that was enough, they had to ask about the presents
and the fun game we told them we had planned.
We sat in the living room and told them about the scavenger hunt
they were very excited and could not wait to start.

Because of their age difference we send them one by one
searching for a gift and handing it to whom it belong
We had a great time, and best of all
they laugh and had fun, just as we had planned.
When the hunt was over, we were just getting started
presents waiting to be opened were staring at us
we hinted to go, and the girls read names off of the tags
and passed them one by one.
searching for a gift and handing it to whom it belong
We had a great time, and best of all
they laugh and had fun, just as we had planned.
When the hunt was over, we were just getting started
presents waiting to be opened were staring at us
we hinted to go, and the girls read names off of the tags
and passed them one by one.

The rest of the day we played, laugh and even visited some friends. We hope you had a very Merry Christmas this Year.