A Simple dough disk filled with tasty cream cheese and guava paste, folded Into half circle and sealed with the repulgue technique.

Ready in: 15 minutes + 20 Minutes (oven)  |  Complexity: Very Easy
  • 10 prepared empanada dough disks
  • 1 package (8 oz) light cream cheese at room temp. or Swiss cheese
  • 8 oz. package of guava paste
  • 2 oz. butter of non stick spray
  • Flour (for dusting counter-top)
Cheese and Guava Empanadas the repulgue technique
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degree (180C).
  2. Add flour to your countertop or large plate, lay one prepared dough disk over it.
  3. Place one tablespoon of cream cheese and one rectangle piece (approx: 2.5 inches by 1 inch) of guava paste slightly off center of the circle of dough. Do not go all the way to the edge.
  4. Fold the dough over into a a half circle shape
  5. Now to start folding (this is called repulgue)** this is a learning technique, so don't be frustrated if it doesn't come out right the first time. You may also crimp the edges with a fork if the folding technique is not for you.
  6. Place empanadas on a greased/buttered cookie sheet, then into the preheated oven and cook for 20 minutes or until they start to have a nice golden color.
  7. Repulgue Technique: Start by pinching a corner of the dough, and folding that section onto itself. Again pinch this time pull out about 1/2-inch and fold over, it should slightly overlaps the first piece. You will repeat the pinch, pull and fold until you get to the end and have created a braided seal for the empanada.

This is it for our Cheese and Guava Empanadas
Learning Time

Fun educational activities or questions to do with little ones while preparing this recipe.
  • Start with the shape of the empanada dough disks.
  • Have you child help cutting rectangle strips of Guava making emphasis in the shape.
  • With the third ingredients  (Cream cheese) talk about texture and how the other ingredients have a predetermine shape yet this one is a cream.
  • We are working with three colors, ask what are they, how do we get these colors?, are they primary colors?.
  • My little one loves to draw, so I always ask her to draw a picture of what we are doing or have done.
Little ones can always learn something new, help them along the way.
Below you can see one of the Empanadas that Kira did, not the Prettiest one that I've seen, but hey she's only three years old. And actually I think it looks similar to one my brother did not so long and well I won't tell his age...
Cheese and Guava Empanadas Kira's version
Enjoy and have fun!!
RE: Cheese and Guava Empanada #Recipe
They look so good.