This is going to be a great day, full with fun things to do, and we will tell you all about it very soon. But now we are going to share some things about Kaylee.
Facts and accomplishments of our little baby girl.
Weight: Somewhat chubby as always and now at 20 lbs and 7 oz.
Height: She is big!! at 30 inches tall.
Head: Hard head, lol and at 18.6 inches in circumference.
Clothing: Looks good in just about anything :)... In size 9 to 12 months
Diapers: Using fewer every day, since she has learned how to sign potty Hurray. Still many accidents here and there.

Sleeping / Naps: As always, luckily she sleeps through the night. We are still trying to keep her with at least two naps during the day, but most of the time she ends up fighting one o them. We are definitely not ready to leave her at just one nap.
Accomplishments: It's been now almost 3 weeks since she started walking all on her own. It's so nice to watch her get up on her own and walk towards me, It just makes my day...
Eating: She is definitely a great eater, beside her regular cup of milk and her food, whenever we sit down to eat or she sees us eating something She head towards us asking for us to give her some, and complaining if we don't.
I love getting home and watching her stop whatever she's doing to run towards the door, smile, laugh and hugged me. The joy of being a parent.
This is our little baby Girl.

We promise to share with you all about her First Year Birthday Party...
We Love you Kaylee, your Mommy, Daddy and big Sister Kira.