By the time we had our party and were sharing with family and friends, the girls were experts on most of the stunts that The Amazing Zhus Stunt Pets had to perform.
Magic tricks can be a big entertainment for little children, it’s important to also point out that we can use “Magic” as an educational tool. The Amazing Zhus are fun and full with hidden opportunities.

The Amazing Zhus set is a new fun entertainment for children base on “Magic” and little “Pets” that move around having fun and putting a great performance for the entire audience.
As parents we need to let our children use their imagination in many ways, we found that the Amazing Zhus gives children a large range of areas where they could use their imagination while being assisted by the Amazing Zhus Pets and their accessories.
We have also found a number of way to incorporate this collection in school related activities, even introducing new concepts such as free fall and gravity; velocity and acceleration which you may think they are advance words for our girls ages, but we have found that it’s never to early to say fancy advance words to little ones, while they may not understand the full concept, by repetition they eventually get the idea and it will be easier to assimilate the concept.

Look at her expression as she watches the Amazing Zhus Pet free fall into the tiny bucket at the bottom.
The Amazing Zhus collection offers a number of Amazing Accessories to assist little ones in the creation of their unique and special performance act, such as:
- Magician Shell Game: A classic trick with the 3 shells, you hide the pea under the shell, shuffle them around and let the Amazing Zhus Magician Pets find the pea.
- High Dive: A 30” tower for the Amazing Zhus Pet’s to take a free fall an keep rolling.
- High Wire: A traditional circus act, this time with the Amazing Zhus Pets crossing the rings of fire and teasing the crowd by nearly falling to the floor.
- Cereal Box: This is a cool box that works only with Stunt Amazing Zhus Pets, they go inside and make the box move around the room without being spotted.
- Tomato Can: this is a can like that rolls around the room just like in the real circus, can be used and works well with all Amazing Zhus pets.
- Train Car Carriers: A fun way to transport the Amazing Zhus Pets, they travel in style each pet has their very own personalize train Car.
- And many others...
Below you can see a short clip of some of the fun and entertainment that we have had with the Amazing Zhus Collection.
Needless to say that we have all been enjoying all the fun that Amazing Zhus has brought into our home. They are without a doubt a fun and safe entertainment for little ones, not to mention adults like me that love to watch kids as they put these Amazing acts.

Our Girls having FUN
It has been so easy to incorporate the Amazing Zhus in learning activities, making toys/games a fun educational part of our every day living is one of the things where we find much Joy and Satisfaction with our girls.
Have you seen any of these Amazing pets? Had you heard about the Amazing Zhus? What would be your or your child’s favorite Amazing Zhus Pet, Trick or Stunt?
We hope to bring you much more from the Amazing Zhus!
The Company and Purchasing Information

To learn more about The Amazing Zhus Collection visit / follow via:
Website // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // YouTube // Pinterest
The Amazing Zhus are sold exclusively in Walmart stores nationwide, they range in price from $7.99-$24.99.
{xtypo_sticky}Disclosure: No monetary compensation was given for this post. I received free products to host the Cepia, LLC sponsored Meet-up. All opinions are 100% my own and may not reflect those of others or yourself. For our full disclosure and PR Info Click Here.{/xtypo_sticky}
Will you be sharing any coupons by any chance?
I have never seen this toys before. I'm sure my Kids would love them.