Kaylee at her very little age already knows so much!!
Facts and accomplishments of our little baby girl.
Weight: She is somewhat chubby, a bit over the average but still very healthy. she is currently 25 lbs and 6 oz
Height: Per her doctor she is just about right, her nurse thinks she will stay with the shorter side of the family at 31 inches tall.
Head: Hard as ever, and 19 inches in circumference.
Clothing: Not easy to keep up with her fast growing, she is in size 18 to 24 months.
Diapers: While I was totally hopping to have her out of diapers by this age, that is not the case. She does sing bathroom and even says toite for toilet but not as much as I would like her to. That being said she is currently using diaper number 5

Sleeping / Naps: Night time sleep has never been a problem for her, when it is time to go to bed (7:00 pm) we tell her is bed time and to give kisses to everyone then she holds mommy or daddy’s hand and takes them to her room, she get into her bed and blows kisses, we cover her and she sleep through the night, with the exception of some waking up to go potty - hurray. With nap times during the day, that is a total different story, she really does not want to take them, we do take her to here room and some times she ends up falling asleep, but others she just plays.
Accomplishments: her understanding is beyond what I would have ever imagined, I am almost convinced that there is not one thing that we speak, that she does not understand. When asked, she cleans after herself as far as picking up her toys, books, and other things, and putting them where they go. Knows many of her body parts, waives hi and by, and many other things.
Words: her most common words: dad, papa, toite (toilet), boo (book). Yet she communicates other things with sings, the most use are: milk, more, bathroom, diaper, nice, sleep.
Eating: still a great eater, I think that if it was up to her she would eat everyone else's food. Luckily there is yet to be one thing that we offer her that she says no or even makes a face not wanting it.
This is our little baby Girl at 16 months of age!

Kaylee with her big sister Kira
Our girls, are definitely our day and night, our life would not be the same without them. Every day we thank the Lord for our two most precious blessings - Kira and Kaylee - We love you both!