Getting to know each other better!
1. What is your favorite holiday and why?
    Without a doubt it's Christmas, this time of the year as more than a holiday for us, it's time to reflect, time to celebrate our family and spend more time with extended family when possible.
2. Do you have a special or favorite cartoon or cartoon character?
    For many years I loved Tweety, but at the moment I have to say that I have no favorites. Not really into cartoons, except I do enjoy seeing my little ones watch cartoons, and hey sometimes I do end up getting into them.
3. What was or you think will be your reaction on the first day of school for your first born
    Oh boy... She is not really going to school yet, but she will be starting a head start program and I think I will just stay and volunteer that first day. I really don't know what will happen, I have been trying to get her used to the idea that I will not be there and she keeps asking me why can't I stay, so we will just have to wait and see.
4. What’s your preference: Swimming pool or beach and why?
    Being from the Caribbean, I have to say Beach. Nothing like ocean waves and nice salty water, but I will admit that we visit the pool way more and we have much fun while at it.
5. How do you schedule your blog post and do you use any type of system
    I have no real pattern, I write what's going on, what I like or what we do. We have topics on the schedule but that is about it. I do like organization, so for me this is a different way of approaching things, I like and enjoy it and we are trying to get a bit more organized on the post planning. Yet I know we will always have that sporadic post that came out of nowhere and yet there it is. Just because that is the way that some things work, and if it works way get rid of it.
This is all for now...
We would love for you to participate!
Leave a comment with a link to YOUR answers and I'll stop by.

RE: Five Among Friends 4
Loved reading your answers and learning a bit more about you!

So many of us love Christmas the most, it's getting me excited already!

Kate x
RE: Five Among Friends 4
I think once my daughters get older, the pool will become more of a hit than the beach, for the pure fact that we will go to the pool more often. The beach is just special to me because I get to be with my family, enjoying my favorite place to relax.