I like to use frozen because it adds consistency to the smoothie, but you can certainly use fresh unfrozen fruits and add ice instead. You can make this same recipe with a number of fruits and / or combinations choose Blueberries, bananas, Peaches, strawberries, kiwi, Etc.
This particular day we combined blueberries, bananas, and strawberries with yogurt and so on, to make this tasty smoothie.
- 1 cup Fruit (equal parts of blueberries and strawberries + 2 bananas)
- 1 cup Plain or vanilla Yogurt
- 1/4 cup Orange juice
- Dash Honey (Optional, not used in this recipe)

- Add fruits, juice and yogurt to the blender, blend until desired consistency.
- Taste and add honey as needed, most of the time we don’t add honey but we have some friends that like it a bit more sweet.

Serve this Banana-Berries Yogurt Smoothie in your favorite cup, and enjoy!

Have fun!!