Kiwi, Banana and Strawberry Smoothie
I’m a big fan of smoothies, and think it’s a great way to consume healthy fruits and veggies, not to mention kids love them.
Today I’m sharing a very simple smoothie that we often make. Measurements are approximate but feel free to add or take out as much as you think your family would prefer.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6785
About Kiwi
Kiwi the fruit we know and like, owes its name to a bird native of New Zealand. In many places they actually call this fruit "kiwifruit" to specifically make the difference between the bird and the fruit.
While this fruit is very tasty and has many healthy benefits, it turns out that like in many fruits and vegetables most of its nutrients are located in the skin, Yes the skin of the Kiwi is edible and is high in antioxidants.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6505
Our two year old knows the 44 US President
Our little genius… LOL
She is 2 years old, her name is Kira, she loves books and has always been a very curious baby - now toddler. Kira at 24months of age, could name all 44 Presidents of the United States of America. The funny thing is, that we were not even teaching them to her, one day I’m at the store and see these placemats with the alphabet, and next to them the presidents one and2 others, since they were a dollar a piece, I bought all 4, but with the intention of only showing her the Alphabet one for now.
Keep reading or watch for yourself out little one say all the US Presidents.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6869
What I like about Cinnamon.
I love cinnamon, love its versatility, and that it can be used for so many things. I enjoy it's smell, it's texture and the fact that it is appealing to the eye, it has relaxing effects, it taste good, and it's also known as a memory booster; and I know we can all use some of that..
Cinnamon tree name and/or Scientific Name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Cinnamomum verum. It's been said that cinnamon could have been one of the first spices used by the human race.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 7979
Today is the day!
Hello there!
Oh yes, it’s me, I will admit, it did take some time and convincing, but I finally got to start my blog, for some time now with the help of my husband we started developing what today is announced as Crafty Spices, but as everything new in life, the design and back-end of this blog has taken longer than what we expected
Here I will be sharing with all of you things that I found out after finding myself in a difficult situation, family recipes natural or going green tips and crafty ideas for the day to day life.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6430
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