It was fun to create different shapes for each of the kids, we even used them in Kira’s Princess Crown to make it glow in the dark, I do have to say I was a bit disappointed that, while they do last for a very long time, they do not glow as much as other thicker glow in the dark sticks that we have used.
Regardless of how I wished that the colors/lights would be more noticeable, that was just me, as the kids did not seem to really care, and just went along playing and enjoying their glow sticks as they were.
It’s cool that in one package you can receive 100 units and that they come with the connectors to make either the bracelet or as we did use them with a number of the glow sticks and make different shapes.
My final Thoughts: Nice and entertaining glow sticks for kids to enjoy a play night.
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