I am not a big fan of diets, and definitely not a fan of pills because of all the chemicals and other ingredients that I can't even pronounce. I am a Moms Meet Blogger and I was offered to try Calorease In exchange for my personal opinion. Before I said yes, I read that they were all natural: no allergens, that Calorease has no stimulants and are heart healthy. I took some time to look them up and I was very pleased with what I was reading, that's when I said yes and was ready and eager to try Calorease.
The pack comes subdivided in doses of 2 pills, witch we are to take with every fat containing meal, the pills trigger fat and reduce up to 18 grams of dietary fat per each meal. The recommendations are to take a pack of 2 pills 3 times a day.

As soon as I receive the package, I weighed myself and started using Calorease. I took these pills and the very first thing I was happy about was that I did not feel no side effects: no upset stomach, nausea, or hyperactivity which are common effects for dietary supplements. I took the pills for 30 consecutive days, but and unfortunately this is a big but, even though it was 30 days I will say there were occasions where I did not take the pills with some of the meals.
Regardless of me missing some of the pills, even though I was hoping for more I was actually happy with the results considering I have not changed my diet at any time, and have even had desserts and snacks on ice cream.
Not to keep you waiting, while I still prefer not to disclose my weight I will tell you that after the 30 days I was down 3 pounds, and while it may not be much I have been struggling just to lose one or 2 pounds from month.
Our final thoughts: Calorease is not a magic pill, and it's not going to make you drop pounds like crazy, but if you are looking for a healthy way to reduce weight and not have to make many changes to your diet, Calorease would be a great fit for you.
To learn more about Calorease visit them on: The Web, also be sure to like and follow them via Social networks to learn about special promotions: Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest
Here is a 50% Discount code that you can apply towards your order of Calorease 4MOMS, just go to their Website, and apply the code before checkout.