It's great to have a vision, have hope and work toward a gold. But what if you find yourself with only a banana, what are the probabilities of complaining, wining or stopping to think of someone else at that particular moment.
So, what if you only had a banana?
would you eat it all and give up.
Would you eat and share?,
would you stop and look behind you,
would you even see the person that behind you picks up the banana peal that you just tossed.

Let's be grateful for what we have,
let's give thanks for this banana
and remember that there are some
that don't even have a banana.
life can give us many twists, we can have much and in a splint second not enough. We just have to keep our heads up high and work hard towards our golds. And if we find ourselves in pain, we need to remember that others have suffered more.
Thank you God for you have blessed me with a beautiful and healthy family,
thank you for my troubles as they make me stronger,
and thank you for the love that you have shown me as it has made me whom I am.