While some may have only seen this as a ice/water cold “fun challenge” it is way more than that and I hope that everyone that has been nominated or even only heard about this challenge does a bit of homework and find out what it is all about.

The Challenge is about creating awareness about ALS and what it is. ALS which stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a very bad disease that while mostly affects middle age people it can actually affect anyone at any given age.

It’s a decease of the nerve cells that affects the brain and the motor neurons or spinal cord that controls all voluntary muscle movements. Muscles becoming very week and eventually nonfunctional.

Needless to say that we accepted the challenge given to us by Naomi.
In return we nominated Tio Fred and Rosey from Mail4Rosey.

ALS is also known as the Lou Gehrig's disease in honor of the Yankees baseball player who died of this decease back in 1941. In many other countries ALS is called The Motor Neurone Disease per what the decease does to the muscles.

Unfortunately as of today the causes of this decease are still unknown. And this is one of the reasons we think it is very important to continue to spread the word and create awareness about yet another very strong decease.

We could only hope that the cause is found and a cure be created in the very near future. If you would like to donate or find out more about this decease visit The ALS Association