And ones again we have our linky to share your pictures, Wordless or not, come and Hop. Remember all family friendly post (containing at least one picture) are welcome to link up. #WWHOP.

Great People, games, raffles, dinner, dance and much more!
Blog Hop
Feel free to link your Wordless Wednesday post or any article that contains image(s) you would like to share.
Let's get started by spreading the Word, the more people know about it the better for all. Tweet about this Hop.
Wordless Wednesday Hop
Rules for this Hop
There are No rules!!!
Just guidelines, you may choose to do 1, 2 or as many as you like, even just one would be really appreciated. Also if you like or follow Crafty Spices leave us a comment telling us and we will happily return the favor.
  1. Have Fun!!!
  2. Visit at least 3 other sites. If you like a picture consider leaving a comment. I myself love comments and would love to hear from you all.
  4. Grab our Wordless Wednesday button and place it somewhere in you site. It would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Please do not link to your main site.
 Thank you for joining us in this weekly adventure.
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
Glad to know that know it is called Momsmeet, so this is when we leave the kids with dad and momsmeet to have a drink and dance. jajaja. The good thing is that everyone does it in a save environment and that the kids are safe with dad. "MOMs you deserve it"
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
First time your site and will DEFINITELY be back.Hope to take part in blog hop soon.
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
So much fun to meet you there!!! Love, love, love your blog and can't wait to dig into into it more!
Saved by Grace
Great photos! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
How fun! I've never heard of that conference before as well.
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
Looks like you had some dads in attendance, too.
Judy H-J's Thoughts
Wonderful pictures and video! You all had a whale of a time Jay! Thanks for hosting.
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
It does look like fun! Good for the ladies getting up to dance!
RE: #WoW Summit Wordless Wednesday Hop61
Thanks for hosting Jay! Looks like you had a great time. Can't wait to hear more. Theresa @DearCreatives
Erika Price Jewellery
Looks like you all had a fabulous time!