Whether they are coloring with crayons, markers, chalk or like todays featured pictures now they are all about face paint, until they notice that the box actually says “Body Paint”. I am not looking forward to having all their bodies painted.

Hope you stick around and join the Link via the WW-Party. It's early Wordless Wednesday all family friendly post (containing at least 1 picture) are welcome to tag along. Hop, Hop and share the Joy of being a part of #WWHOP.

"Fun FacePaint Day"

Fun Facepaint day
Fun Facepaint day
Fun Facepaint day
Fun Facepaint day
Fun Facepaint day
Blog Hop
Feel free to link your Wordless Wednesday post or any article that contains image(s) you would like to share.
Let's get started by spreading the Word, the more people know about it the better for all. Tweet about this Hop.
Wordless Wednesday Hop
Rules for this Hop
There are No rules!!!
Just guidelines, you may choose to do 1, 2 or as many as you like, even just one would be really appreciated. Also if you like or follow Crafty Spices leave us a comment telling us and we will happily return the favor.
  1. Have Fun!!!
  2. Visit at least 3 other sites. If you like a picture consider leaving a comment. I myself love comments and would love to hear from you all.
  4. Grab our Wordless Wednesday button and place it somewhere in you site. It would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Please do not link to your main site.
 Thank you for joining us in this weekly adventure.
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
How pretty! Adorable captures - thanks for sharing. :)
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
That is so cool. Very nice indeed.
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
Awww what fun to have with painting, they are so cute!!!
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
Lovely designs!
WOW Your daughter did that? I mean come on really? She did an absolutely fantastic job.. I'd love to invite her to a few parties... she could make money doing that. she is that good. You must be so very proud. Thanks for sharing.
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
That sure looks like fun! Your older daughter did a good job of painting her sister's face! :)

Thanks, Jay, for hosting. Have a great day!
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
Whoever painted their faces did a really nice job. I can see from the photos that Big Sister helped with Little Sister's face paint too. So cute, both of them!
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
LOL how brilliant is that heheh!

Have a spookytastic weekend :-)
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
OK, that is SO impressive! That's sheer talent right there! Can they paint my face, pretty please? :) So CUTE!!!
RE: Facepaint Wordless Wednesday Hop 163
Cool face painting!!