I can’t start to describe how excited/happy she was, to say the least as soon as we arrived she went inside step onto a beam and even the coach said “who got her up there?, she is good”. Now that is our girl… It was a fun event where the girls played games and practice open gymnastics, the older ones were great with the little ones. Check out below some of the pictures that we took.

Join us for the linky party, don't forget it's early Wordless Wednesday and we are back Hopping here and there, all family friendly post (containing at least 1 picture) are welcome to tag along. Hop and share the Joy of being a part of #WWHOP.

"Gymnastics Fun"

Kaylee is also loving Gymnastics
Kaylee having FUN at the bars
They all had so much FUN
They also made hair ties for upcoming Meet
Kaylee at the rings, look at her happy hace
Blog Hop
Feel free to link your Wordless Wednesday post or any article that contains image(s) you would like to share.
Let's get started by spreading the Word, the more people know about it the better for all. Tweet about this Hop.
Wordless Wednesday Hop
Rules for this Hop
There are No rules!!!
Just guidelines, you may choose to do 1, 2 or as many as you like, even just one would be really appreciated. Also if you like or follow Crafty Spices leave us a comment telling us and we will happily return the favor.
  1. Have Fun!!!
  2. Visit at least 3 other sites. If you like a picture consider leaving a comment. I myself love comments and would love to hear from you all.
  4. Grab our Wordless Wednesday button and place it somewhere in you site. It would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Please do not link to your main site.
 Thank you for joining us in this weekly adventure.
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
Looks like they are having a blast. So sweet that the little one got to join in.
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
Amazing how kids are so flexible!
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
She is adorable! Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
Your girls look so cute trying out the gymnastics equipment!
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
They are so adorable. I remember how much fun my daughter had at that age.
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
She just loves to hang around, so cute!!!
Keiths ramblings
Future Olympic stars? Lovely pictures.

Visit Keith's Ramblings!
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
You girls are so flexible. They seem to be enjoying the gym time.
RE: Wordless Wednesday Hop 154
Wow! look at her up on the beam..it's great that they are so enthusiastic like that you must be so proud :-)

Have a cartwheeltastic day Jay....that rhymed :-)