At the end of the trip they feel they have accomplished their task and so do we. We walk out, while they sit in the carts with the bags.

We hope that after taking a look at our shopping carts, you join us and the girls at the linky Party, come share your pictures. All family friendly post (containing at least one picture) are welcome to link up. Hop and share the Joy of being a part of #WWHOP.

"Shopping with kids
Blog Hop
Feel free to link your Wordless Wednesday post or any article that contains image(s) you would like to share.
Let's get started by spreading the Word, the more people know about it the better for all. Tweet about this Hop.
Wordless Wednesday Hop
Rules for this Hop
There are No rules!!!
Just guidelines, you may choose to do 1, 2 or as many as you like, even just one would be really appreciated. Also if you like or follow Crafty Spices leave us a comment telling us and we will happily return the favor.
  1. Have Fun!!!
  2. Visit at least 3 other sites. If you like a picture consider leaving a comment. I myself love comments and would love to hear from you all.
  4. Grab our Wordless Wednesday button and place it somewhere in you site. It would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Please do not link to your main site.
 Thank you for joining us in this weekly adventure.
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
Those are great ideas. My daughter used to love to ride in the cart. She still sometimes tries to climb in.
Happy WW!
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
I use to always say that when I would take my kids with me it would take twice as long and cost twice as much. Makes for a good memory though :)
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
Cute. Thanks for sharing.
Curious as a Cathy
Kids have it made. They can be shuffled around in a shopping cart and no one thinks twice about it, but every time I climb into the cart I get strange looks so I don't do it anymore. lol Oh the life of a kid, right? Wouldn't it be grand, if someone would push us around like that? Fun shoots! Happy #WW!
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
They're so cute! And that's the best way to shop - cute little helpers! ;)
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
Awwww Luvin' the pics! They're just so darn cute. Thanks for sharing. :)
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
Jay, I love how you are so creative with teaching your daughters about things! :)

Thanks for hosting!
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
aww, what cute shopping buddies. :lol:
Always love seeing your beautiful girls! You are blessed! Teresa from
RE: Shopping made Fun Wordless Wednesday Hop121
What a fun shopping trip, the girls look so happy to be a part of the trip!!! Have a great day, thanks for hosting!!