We will show you how easy it is to make a fun colorful turkey with just a few materials that you can easily get at the dollar store.
- Purple Construction Paper
- Red Construction Paper
- Orange Construction Paper
- Green Construction Paper
- Blue Construction Paper
- Yellow Construction Paper
- Brown Construction Paper
- Cream Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Black pen
- Glue, any paper glue or even glue-stick works well.

Material Preparation:
- Draw a feather (leaf like), cut it and this will be you template. This way all your feathers will be the same size and shape.
- Now, using the template trace and cut a feather on the purple, red, orange, green blue and yellow.
- Cut a 2 1/2” x 3 1/2” rectangle from the brown construction paper
- Cut a 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” rectangle from the cream construction paper
- Draw a Turkey foot and use it as a template (Always save your template).
- Using the foot template trace and cut 2 feet
- Using Orange construction paper cut a small triangle (this will be the beak)
- Using red construction paper cut a curvy tongue like shape for the caruncle
- Start by gluing the feather one by one overlapping a bit and always keeping one of the corners together. You should end up with 6 feathers. Let them dry
- Mean while glue the feet to the 2 1/2” x 3 1/2” brown rectangle (the body) on one of the short sides.
- Roll the 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” cream rectangle to form a cylinder (the head), draw to eyes, glue the orange beak and the caruncle.
- Take the feather set and glue it to the top (short side) back of the brown rectangle.
- Lastly glue the cream cylinder (the face) to the top front side of the brown rectangle.
- By now you should have finished your Turkey.
Now that we have all the parts cut, here is the Assembling part:
Optional: you may add messages in the feathers as for what you (or your child) is thankful for. Example: “I’m thankful for: My Sister”, “I’m thankful for: My food”...
Kira loves her Crafty Colorful Turkey and feels great that she help creat it.
Learning Time
Fun educational activities or questions to do with little ones while making this fun craft.
- From a stash of Construction Paper have your little one pick out the colors to be used in this projec. You can say the color and have him/her look for them or they can pick the ones they want and just use different colors from ours.
- Talk about the different shapes that you will be using in this project
- It’s almost Thanksgiving, talk about what this means and how do you celebrate it.
- Talk about what are you thankful for, and have them tell you what are they thankful for, help them if they seem to need help.
- You may like to talk about Turkeys, what type of animal they are, what do they eat.
Remember: There are always many opportunities to teach and learn over any activity that we do.

Have fun!!
If you have any crafty ideas or projects please share them with us, we are always up for something different.
I will give some a try and hope that they will come remotely similar to yours.
Thank you