Yes indeed we start by teaching the names of the colors to our children, however we can then use this names to help with speaking games or math activities.
- Basic Education: Learn colors with fruits and vegetables, as you walk down the grocery isle point and have them tell you the different colors.
- Art Education: Use Water Colors to paint empty toilet paper rolls. Leave them as is or make fun characters out of them. They can use clay pieces from any craft store.
- Art Educations: Children entertain themselves by painting or coloring in a piece of paper, and they create lovely art.
- Primary Colors (Red, Yellow, and Blue): Mix colors to create a new one. Red + Blue = Purple, Blue + Yellow = green, yellow + Red = Orange, Red + Green = Brown, Green + Yellow = light green
- Literacy, phonics and spelling: Have your little one choose a color and then try to spell the name of it. If your child is still not at that level help out by using the phonetics of each letter and either having your child write it or writing it yourself.
- Math, addition: Have the child count the total number of colors than they can use a few and see haw many that have used vs how many remain.

Because the brain is wired in a way were most children and even most adults remember colors before anything else, we can use this as an advantage to teach a numberof different subjects. Use your imagination and apply color to your different ongoing projects to help develop your child neurological system.

Color can be so much FUN!
Let’s make every colorful moment with our children be enjoyable and filled with learning elements that they will carry for the rest of their lives.