Yes it’s true, I have not had a chance to sit-down and write for some time now, actually I can’t remember when was the last time that I got to sit-down quietly, with a clear mind and use the computer or a piece of paper to gather my thoughts to something that would be more interesting to read that a shopping list.
Since we finally have Internet Woo-hoo… This past weekend I said, it was about time! Expressing myself is something that I like and while we still have tons of things going on, the new place is yet to be half ready, and the unpacking not sure when it will end, I decided to take a moment for myself and write a few lines. Hopefully I still have my head straight and can go back to my routine of my daily writing.

Both our girls “Kira and Kaylee” helped us pack some of our boxes (from their rooms to kitchen containers), they carried small things here and there from the apartment to the truck and/or car, and even got us water when we were border dehydrated. Ok yes, their packing skills are far from the way I like to pack, yet they did what they could and they also gathered similar items in one place and then we would finish the actual packing.
For reasons beyond our control we ended up moving into out new place before the remodeling was done, not the best scenario but we are dealing with it.

We have managed to make the best of each day, one day at a time, trying always to keep our calm (not easy at times), and staying focus in the things that are most important for us, the main thing being our family. While sometimes we wish we can be doing other things, we recognize that we are blessed and know that our biggest strength comes from being together as a Family, sharing the good and the bad, staying strong for one another, learning from each other and doing things as a unity..
All this being said we hope to resume our Crafty Business and our Spicy posts one by one. We will get there again and go for more.
Stay tune for more to come.