I had to fly from Orlando to Atlanta and then to Philadelphia, my first plane was delayed and I lost the connection, all thanks to Delta Airlines (but that's another long story). That being said I arrived late, yet very nicely greeted and welcome to a cocktail and hors d'oeuvres reception, where it all started… Meeting some great people while enjoying wine and fresh Zevia Zero Calorie Soda mixed drinks, I totally skipped on the hors d’oeuvres. I was so tiered from the trip, yet that did not stop me from having a great time meeting so many moms, talking about our kids, blogs, sharing pictures of our little ones and just life in general “as a mom”. I was introduced to Dr Lawrence Rosen whom is the official consultant pediatrician of Kiwi Magazine (hopefully I’m not the one giving him this title) a father, and great Pediatrician whom I really enjoyed talking to. If you haven't yet, you may stop by our WoWSummit Wordless Wednesday to check out some shots from that night.
The next day we got up to an early start, I put on my WowSummit T-Shirt and was ready for the battle LOL, I mean go and listen to the speakers. This was a Mom’s “Going green” group/event, and yet one thing I loved was that all of the speakers while encouraging a more natural approach, never were pushy about it and always in their own words said: do what you can, and up to where you can.
There was an exhibit room featuring natural and eco friendly brands that we all had the opportunity to try and learn more about them. You can see a few pictures below.

To learn more about these companies and their great products read along and/or follow their links :
Kiwi Magazine and kiwishop: One of the best Natural/Organic parenting magazines ever.
Zevia Zero Calorie Soda: A great alternative for regular Soda. I tried a few of their flavors and they are very good. These days the consumption of soda is outrageous, which means tons of sugar and unnecessary calories going into our bodies. I have been encouraging family and friends to make the change (specially does with kids).
Nuk: Good quality baby products. This is a company that helps get our babies off to a healthy start with nice and functional innovated products that promote good development,
Happy Family: Healthy baby - toddler food and snacks, they had some great samples to try out (Yes I do try anything that my girls are having).
SweetLeaf: It was great to be introduce to SweetLeaf, my mom is diabetic and we had never heard of these products, now we have not only tried them but we are making some yummy recipes.
EvoFem: Softcup, is a great feminine product, comfortable, easy to use, and you can wear it longer than most other products.
TriCalm, works wonders on both children and adults when it comes to taking care of: itching, burning or stinging.
MightyLeaf tea: I am a Tea lover, and as I tried MightyLeaf I enjoyed every sip. They have a great variety.
Applegate: Healthy organic and natural meats that we can be feel proud of feed our little ones, and eating it ourselves.
Other great Sponsors of this even:
Bob’s Red Mill // Finn Crisp // Rudi’s Gluten Free products // DrPraeger’s // Musco Olive Co // Eco Bags // Rudis
Thank you to all these companies for being a sponsor of the WowSummit 2013, without your support this event may not have been as successful as it was.

In the afternoon we had some a number of workshops in small groups, which gave us the opportunity to interact more with-in a specific subject and speaker/presenter while learning or reinforcing more natural and healthy ways to live.
At 6:30 all guests were invited to a WOW banquet dinner with live music. I choose the salmon which was delicious and followed by a tasty chocolate desert, and that’s when the party started, oops I don’t think I was suppose to say that, but we did have a great time mingling and dancing afterworlds.

After the awesome time we had, it’s not like I really wanted to get up the next morning. But how hard could it be, We have 2 little ones that always get me up nice and early, so I got up and the shower did what it needed to do to get me running.
I am looking forward to attending the 2nd WoW Summit next year. Hopefully it will be in Orlando FL.
A big Thank you to Annie and the rest of the team from Moms Meet for all the hard work they put into this event.

Until Next time!
Keep it up MOMs...