Thank you Taby for thinking uf us, we've had fun while playing this monkey game...
And thank you for letting us use your images to tag-along.
Five things I have a passion for:
First of all "My family" they means the world to me
Our Girls Education, we try to incorporate some education behind most things that we do with the Girls.
Crafts - And I would not be able to pin point just one I love many things crafty
Cleanliness, it bothers me so much to see things dirty, I spend hours cleaning and organizing things from one place to another.
Expressing myself, I need and love to say what I think.
Meet my grandchildren (I had to copy this one from Taby)
See our Girls succeed in life, regardless of what they decide to do or be.
Make a significant difference in a non-forprofit charity
Be Debt FREE.
You would think that this is an easy one. Well I know that I have some phrases that I repeat over and over, guess what? I can't really remember at this time. So for now I leave it at:
Oh my God
Kira leave your sister!!
Que linda mi nena... (how pretty my girl)
Sure. . .
The Matrix all of them (this counts for 3 :) )
The Lord of the Rings (Also can count for 3 LOL)
Star Wars
Legally blond ( I had to include a Girly one) have seen it many times
Italy (been there but would love to go again)
Kym @deafiesinthekitchen
Mackensie @onetonothin
Rebecca @caravansonnet
Raven @msmommyhh6
Me, oh that means You that are reading this right now! Leave me your link to go and check it out.

Thanks for picking me.
I'm visiting from Super Sunday Sync, and already a follower. :)