It’s very important for children to know that they have people that support them and will be there for them. Reach out to family for additional support, and while some may not care or see the value in pursuing something at such a young age, others will definitely support that little athlete in the making.
Kira, our 5 year old has been practicing recreational gymnastics for some time now, and really enjoys it. A while ago she was invited to be part of a team, but while Kira was very excited and we are very proud of her, with team comes many other commitments and it had been impossible for her to join, yet we did not give up on her and she is lucky to have family that really care and support early practices. We are so happy that she has now joined a team and she could not be more thrilled about it. Below are just a few pictures of her practicing gymnastics
Stick around and join us via the linky party, it's Wordless Wednesday Hop today. All family friendly post (containing at least 1 picture) are welcome. Hop and share the Joy of being a part of #WWHOP.

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- Have Fun!!!
- Visit at least 3 other sites. If you like a picture consider leaving a comment. I myself love comments and would love to hear from you all.
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- Grab our Wordless Wednesday button and place it somewhere in you site. It would be greatly appreciated.
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- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 4339
Thank you for hosting, Jay!