Well, the reality is that there are millions of people in the world that do not have a bed and sleep either in the floor, the grass, a cot or who knows where. Many of these people are extraordinary human beings that most of the time regardless of their situation have a smile on their faces and are more than willing to help others in any way possible.
We are fortunate to always have had a bed and to be able to provide beds to our children. We are learning each day and teaching our girls that we have to appreciate the little and big things that we have or have access to because while life is not always fair the more we appreciate and give to others the happier we will be.
Whether it’s a new, old, big or small bed, if you have a one, consider yourself lucky, because many others do not have one and may even consider it a luxury. Don’t take for granted the simple things in life.
Thank you for tonight our family each will sleep in our beds.
Happy Thankful Thursday.
What are you thankful for today?
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- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6277